Tuesday, December 18, 2012
How To Create A Wi-fi Hotspot With An Internet Modem Using
It�s not everyone that has access to the broadband packages that comes inclusive with a wireless router that powers more than four devices to connect to the internet.
MiFi, known as Mobile Hotspot devices have stepped in to curb out this problem, but one problem is that they are expensive and in most cases they only allow a maximum of 10 devices to be connected at a time. Buying a MiFi device will cost you around N20,000 to N30,000.
Today i�m going to show you how to easily create a wi-fi hotspot using your wireless enabled computer and your ordinary Internet Modem.
How To Create A Wi-fi Hotspot With An Internet Modem Using Connectify With Connectify Pro.
creating a Wi-fi hotspot is very easy using your LAN, Wi-Fi or 3G/4G internet connection. The free version of Connectify Pro only supports LAN and Wi-Fi internet connections into Wi-Fi hotspots while for 3G/4G modems, you would need to pay $39.99 only.
Below I Explained How To Create Wi-Fi Hotspot With 3G/4G Internet Modem Using Connectify: Purchase and install Connectify Pro on your computer (Non-US residents can purchase it directly from the Connectify site).
- Insert in your Internet Modem and start the connection and then run Connectify Pro. - Create a name and password for your Wi-Fi hotspot and set Internet to share to Automatic or your Internet connection.
- Under Advanced Settings, set Share Over to Wi-Fi and Sharing Mode to Wi-Fi Access Point, Encrypted.
- Under Firewall, tick Allow Internet Access and Allow Local Network Access.
- Click the Start Hotspot button and wait for Connectify Pro to start the Wi-Fi hotspot.
- Once the hotspot starts, you can start connecting other devices to the network.
- The $39.99 Connectify Pro fee covers the license for life and 1 year of support plus free updates. However after 1 year, you stop getting updates but your PRO version will remain active.
Facts about DVRs and Energy Consumption
There has been a lot of hype about the energy consumption of DVR units provided by cable and satellite television companies. Sensational headlines scream that DVRs are destroying your budget and melting the glaciers. These are quickly followed by sarcastic rebuttals and disparaging comparisons to Al Gore. An example from Popular Science: Your Set-Top Box Is Murdering Your Electric Bill. The headline literally screams murder and is followed by text like: “the biggest energy drain in your house…is, unbelievably, the TV set-top box.” The comments that follow the article are an exercise in acidic snark: “Can’t PopScience find writers that finished grade 3 arithmetic?”, “Does the writer not possess any common sense whatsoever?”, “Biggest load of tosh I’ve ever read.”
Those are the comments I can quote without bleeping…So what is the real deal? How much do these things consume? Are they evil vampires or just the latest thing for silly people to be paranoid about? They’re Like Light Bulbs… The deal is this: Data shows that set-top boxes consume energy at about the rate of your average incandescent light-bulb, between 30 and 50 watts. By contrast, articles like the one I’ve cited claim that cable and satellite DVRs use as much power as a refrigerator or a/c unit. So there’s nothing to it, right? Fridges and a/c units obviously use more power than that.dvr energy consumption Yes and no.
DVRs That Never Shut OffDVRs use much less energy than refrigerators or a/c units do when their compressors are running. According to this table from GE, a refrigerator/freezer uses about 450W, and a window unit a/c approximately 1000W. The problem is that unlike these appliances DVRs never turn off. Even when they are “off” they consume nearly as much power as they do when on. By contrast, refrigerators and a/c units do not run their compressors 24 hours a day. Now, DVRs need be ‘on’ enough to maintain a connection with the service provider and to receive software updates; it would be impractical to have them completely power down when they are not being used. Remember how long it takes to get a connection when you install service? You don’t want to have to wait that long every time you turn on the TV. However, this ‘always on’ requirement is entirely compatible with a low power ‘sleep’ mode that only keeps essential components on while the box isn’t being used. Cable and satellite companies are loath to build in such a sleep mode for reasons mostly related to their competitive environment. Namely, there isn’t demand for it from consumers sufficient to justify (in their view) putting the money and time into changing practices, and they are afraid that consumers will get annoyed having to wait for DVRs to power back up from a ‘sleep’ mode, resulting in a competitive disadvantage with rivals who can be expected to hype their “instant-on!” machines. By comparison, European markets have DVRs that sleep, due to government regulations. Much of the overheated rhetoric about DVR power consumption is aimed at either spurring regulations, or exciting consumer demand for such settings so that the providers will be motivated to provide them. How to Really Compare DVRs with Refrigerators So how do DVRs compare to refrigerators? It turns out that the comparisons trumpeted by the alarmists and the sarcastic rebuttals of the critics are both partially accurate. At 40W, DVRs obviously don’t consume energy nearly as quickly as a fridge (450W) or a/c unit (1000W) when it is running its compressor. But fridges and a/c units turn on and off as regulated by a timer or thermostat, while DVRs are constantly on. (NOTE: The most modern and energy efficient refrigerators have consumption rates below 150W even when the compressor is running, but most homes are not yet equipped with them. The number I’m using is an average of the most currently used models of fridge).
What’s a Watt?To make sense of any comparison between the energy consumption of different appliances, we need to distinguish between two measures of energy that are often run together in debates and cause a lot of confusion, Watts and Kilowatt Hours. The one (Watts) measures power, the other (Kilowatt Hour) measures total energy. What does that mean? We can compare electricity to water flowing through a pipe and out of a spigot. Asking “How many Watts?” is like asking how fast water is coming out of the pipe; asking “How many kilowatt-hours (kWh)?” is like asking how much water came out of the pipe in total. In other words, Watts (W) indicate the rate of consumption, and kWh indicates the amount of energy consumed. So how much energy does a DVR consume? The average DVR plugged into the wall consumes energy at a rate of 40W nearly constantly. Consuming 40W constantly for an hour translates to 40 “watt hours” of energy, or .04 kWh. Thus, the average DVR consumes 960 watt hours per day – 40W times 24 hours – which is .96 kWh, a little bit less than one kWh. By comparison, the average modern refrigerator run at full power (450W) 24/7 would consume 10.8 kWh per day. That’s a whole lot more than the DVR. But for how much of the day does a fridge run at full power?
The answer is…it depends.Of course it depends. It depends on where you live and how you use the appliance. Are you running your refrigerator in a house that’s 70 degrees F, or 90? Do you open the door a few times a day, or over and over? Do you tend to stand in front of the open door trying to figure out what to eat, or open and close it real quick? How much food is in it? Etc. For this reason it’s much more useful to compare appliances based on measures of average annual energy consumption. Here’s an example. According to the table in the link a standard refrigerator built between 2001 and 2010 consumes an average of 600 kWh per year, while the most modern and energy efficient models consume on average 425 kWh per year. Your mileage will vary, depending on whether you live in an environment warmer than average or colder than average, and on how you use your fridge. So let’s just use the averages and compare them to the DVR. With our assumptions, the average DVR consumes .96 kWh per day, which translates to (.96×365=) 350.4 kWh per year. This is getting close to the energy consumption of the most efficient refrigerators at 425 kWh, and is approximately 58% of the average annual consumption of a standard 2000’s era fridge at 600 kWh.
What to Take Away From This?The alarmists are clearly exaggerating this issue. But their sarcastic critics are severely underestimating it. If your concern is your energy bill, it’s probably not that big of a deal. Having a DVR will cost you something on the order of a few tens of dollars per year, depending on your energy rates. However, if your concern is the economic and environmental effects of the overall energy consumption of millions of consumers, it is a big deal, and improving the efficiency of DVRs is certainly worth promoting. More importantly, however, neither side has talked about what’s really shocking about all of this: keeping a 40W light bulb burning all the time is like having a second refrigerator in your house! => Help us Invite your Friends on Facebook to inteercommunication.blogspot.com!!!
Networking your safari with network tabs.
With the outrun of the new Apple operating system, ios6, cloud computing has finally come of age. The iCloud facility on all Apple devices, including Mac computers and iPod Touch, allows anyone running the latest operating system to see any previously opened Safari tabs on all Apple devices registered under the same Apple ID. While the uses of this may not be immediately apparent, consider trying to remember a web address you opened on your iPhone and now want to open on your iPad, your iPod Touch or your MacBook. It is now possible to access any previously opened websites from any device, turning all your devices into one Internet connection.
How to Network Your Safari Browser With iCloud Tabs
On a Mobile device:
1. Make sure all your mobile Apple devices are updated with ios6, or OS X 10.7.4 or later on your iMac or MacBook. All devices capable of updating to the new operating system should all alert the user that an update is available. Once the update has been applied you are ready to set your devices to access iCloud.
2 . Open the settings icon on the homepage of mobile devices.
3. Scroll to iCloud on mobile devices and open the submenu.
4 . Scroll to Safari on your mobile devices and set the switch to “on”. The system will now ask if you want to sync all your devices and choosing “yes” will allow you to access iCloud tabs on all of them.
On an iMac or MacBook
1. Update your iMac PC, or MacBook to OS X 10.7.4 or later.
2. Go to the Apple menu and select System Preferences.
3. Select iCloud and enter your Apple ID.
4. Select Safari.
5. The system will now ask if you want to sync all your devices and choosing “yes” will allow you to access iCloud tabs on all of them.
In order for you to access iCloud tabs on all your devices, the devices you wish to access will all need to have this setting activated. If you wish to stop some, or all, of your Internet browsing from being accessible to other devices then you need to turn on Private Browsing which will hide your activity in iCloud tabs.
Now the facility is activated it is ready to use. If you open the Safari browser on any device that is registered with your Apple ID and click the Bookmark symbol at the bottom of the page a submenu will open. Underneath the Reading List and History entries will be the iCloud Tabs entry. Clicking on this will provide a list of all your open tabs on accessible devices.
With the new innovations introduced through Apple’s ios6, and the advent of the iPhone 5, the iCloud sharing facility has become a useful innovation. Not only can users now access all their files, calendar entries, photos and documents from separate devices, remotely, but they can also access the Internet and other facilities through one shared browsing experience. Apple’s iCloud facility has turned disparate devices into one connected computer system that can be accessed anywhere, anytime.
The ability to sync all of your apple devices is just amazing and the ease of it all is very non technical. Using iCloud Tabs mean that you can see the web pages that you last viewed on your Mac on your iPhone or iPad as well. So for example you might need to leave in a hurry when using your Mac, jump in the car and continue (as a passenger) your browsing if you are using a device with the same Apple ID.
Sam Jones, the author, has recently been looking into mobile phone deals free gifts and the great giveaways you can get with phone and broadband contracts.
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Fixing I/O device errors
Fixing I/O device errors on external hard drives can be simple, difficult, or impossible depending on your situation. The good news is that you can often diagnose the problem with a few quick tricks and some equipment you already have at home.
The Problem With I/O Errors
The problem with Input/Output (I/O) errors is that they’re generic—the error messages you see are what Windows, Mac, and Linux say when they know there’s a problem but they don’t know exactly what that problem is.
It could be that your USB or eSATA cord is a little bit loose. Or it could be that your external hard drive is knocking on death’s door. That means you’re going to have to do some sleuthing—you can’t just find a blog by somebody who got the same error message and do what he did.
[io error]The Easiest Problems To Fix Some I/O errors are really easy to fix. Most them have to do with the cords that connect your external hard drive to your computer. The first thing to check—and you may already have done this—is that all of your cords are connected tightly. Check the connection to your external hard drive and to your computer. If you’re connecting to a USB hub, make sure the cord from the computer to the hub is connected tightly at both the hub and computer ends or—and this is preferred—connect the external hard drive directly to one of the USB ports on your computer, bypassing the hub and any problems it may have. The next easiest problem to fix is cord crosstalk. The electricity in one set of wires tends to leak into other wires, so when you have two wires close together on your desk, they may be interfering with each other. Interference isn’t a big deal to your mouse or keyboard—Windows just ignores spurious data—but it’s a big deal to your hard drive where Windows assumes the files it opens and saves are accurate. To check for crosstalk problems, disconnect any unnecessary devices on your computer and move the cords for the necessary devices further away from your external hard drive. You may also want to disable Bluetooth and move your cell phone across the room. Don’t worry, if you have a crosstalk problem, you can avoid I/O device errors on external hard drives permanently by buying better cables—just look for shielded cables. Good shielded USB cables include dampeners on both ends: these are little cylinders containing magnets near the plugs. The final cord-related problem requires a friend or an expenditure. It could be that you have a faulty cable. This is especially likely if you just bought your external hard drive or if you tend to abuse your cables by not putting them away properly. If you have a friend with a similar external hard drive (and the cables aren’t hardwired), borrow his cables. If that’s not an option, buy replacement cables. You should be able to buy short replacement cables for USB and eSATA for less than $5 if you shop around.
Difficult But Fixable ProblemsIf you don’t have a cord problem, the chances that you’ll be able to recover from I/O errors decreases rapidly. Since there are two types of hard drives, there are two different sets of solutions. For magnetic (high capacity) hard drives, I/O errors often start occurring when the ball bearings get worn or bent out of shape. This happens mainly to drives which have been active for more than two years total or drives which have been dropped. If you get I/O errors on a new external hard drive, I recommend you return it immediately—it was probably dropped during shipping or part of a defective lot. A key sign that your I/O problem is caused by bad ball bearings is clicking or grinding noises inside your external hard drive every time you plug it into your computer. You can often get a magnetic drive to start working again by shrinking the ball bearings a little bit so they fit back into their regular tracks. How do you shrink an almost microscopic ball bearing inside a hermetically-sealed hard drive? Basic physics: you freeze it—all metals shrink when cooled. Note that this can be dangerous and there’s a risk that not just your data and your computer will be destroyed but that you’ll be electrically shocked. Put your magnetic external hard drive in a Zip-Lock bag. Squeeze out the air. Then put that bag inside another Zip-Lock bag and squeeze out that air. Put a rubber band around the drive in the bag to keep new air from leaking in so you don’t give your hard drive freezer burn. Put the bagged external hard drive in the freezer for at least an hour and preferably overnight. Then get your computer ready to copy files off the drive as fast as possible. When you’re ready, take the hard drive out of the bag, connect it to your computer, and start copying files. If the hard drive dies in the middle of copying, freeze it again. Hopefully with this technique you can recover all of your important files. Here are some detailed instructions on how system administrators recover data.
Solid State Drive RecoverySolid state drives tend to fail more gracefully than magnetic drives, so you don’t need to explain to your family why you have a hard drive in the freezer. The main cause of I/O errors on a solid state drive is too many writes. Every time you save a file to a solid state drive, you use up one of the limited rewritable sectors. Early solid state drives had about 10,000 writes; modern drives typically have 100,000 to 1,000,000 writes. Once the writes are gone, you can no longer write to that sector. You can still write to other sectors, but Windows isn’t smart enough to only write to working sectors, so it gives you the I/O error. There are two pieces of good news here—one short-term and one long-term. Short-term, you can still copy files off of your solid state external hard drive, so you haven’t lost any data. Long-term, researchers are working on new tools which will allow computers to work around failed solid state sectors so you can start to write files again. But until then, there’s no real way for solid state drives to fix I/O device errors on external hard drives => Help us Invite your Friends on Facebook to inteercommunication.blogspot.com!!!
Friday, December 14, 2012
Use with Internet Download Manager
With this Cr4ck you can use Internet Download Manager for life on your PC. You & I knows how easy IDM make any Downloading Stuff to be on the Internet, Fast Download Speed and also make Youtube Video very easy to Download but the main problem is that most of us are making use of the Trial version but today, Naijaloaded.com will teach you how to use it for life without paying a dime. Lets go!!!
STEPS INVOLVED TO USE CR4CK FOR INTERNET DOWNLOAD MANAGER1. Download the IDM with Cr4ck Pack below and Unzip it. 2. Install the idman607.exe in the Folder {if you dont already have it on your PC}. 3. Exit the IDM program. (Right click on the green icon of IDM found in the system tray --> Exit), Ignore this Step if the Green Icon is not there. 4. Open the Crack Folder and copy the file "IDMan" from the folder, Now go to your PC Desktop, Double click on My Computer >> Program Files >> Internet Download Manager, Then Paste the IDMan you copied ealier and confirm to overwrite existing file. 5. Now, Go back to the Crack Folder and double Click on the file "regkey" to register the program. Thats All.... Goodluck!! NOTE: If after installation you get the message "Fake serial number" , Click on your PC Start Menu, And Paste this in the Search Box: Unregister.IDM.reg , then 2 or more Result will pop-up, Then Click on the Unregister.IDM file to remove any previous serial from registry, then use "RegKey Windows 32-bit or 64-bit" to activate IDM. If you still have problems, uninstall IDM, run "Unregister.IDM.reg", reboot PC, install IDM again, use the crack & regfile to activate it. That�s all. => Help us Invite your Friends on Facebook to inteercommunication.blogspot.com!!!
Hack wireless network and grab the password.
Goodday! Here we are going to learn How To Hack a Wireless Network and Grab the Passwords of their mail’s Telnet sessions,FTP,HTTP and many more things.I will try my possible best to carry everyone along, Pls if you dont Understand just read over and over again. This Process is called “Man in the Middle Attack”.
Man in the middle attack has been done by the help of a Sniffer. To day we are going Learn How to Implement a Sniffer in the LAN and Get the Passwords and other information.Remember it is a Direct Hacking method.
Wireless LAN Network simply means “Local Area Network”. First of all we need learn about, What is sniffer?. Sniffer is Tool which is used in Data Theft and Grabbing the private information. For example in a Local LAN or WLAN, if we can implement a Sniffer on the LOCAL Gateway. Then you are ready to get all the traffic information including Passwords, Chats, FTP , Telnet sessions and many more things from the users of the Network, This Means that if a Sniffer is implemented in a Cafe and you browse their, Your Login details and other Information will be Logged and that means someone else also have access to you info.
To implement Man in the Middle attack we need some Applications like sniffer Tool, Packet analyzer, Network identifier.To get this Tools see the below list and Download the Applications from there.
1. Nmap – You can Download this from www.nmap.org
2. Cain – It is a Sniffer tool with Lots of Scripts and Options.You can download this from www.oxid.it/cain.html
3. Wireshark Network Analyzer – Network Packet Analyzer : Download at http://www.wireshark.org/download.html
After downloading these applications you are ready to Hack your LAN or WLAN. In this tutorial we are majorly using Cain-Sniffer.
To implement Man in the Middle Attack using Sniffer, we need to follow a Step by step Procedure.
1. First know your IP Address: To see your IP details in the command Prompt type ipconfig /all .You will see the complete IP address,Gateway,DNS etc,note them all.
2. After that now the real part will Start, just Open Cain Sniffer which is on your desktop or in Start menu. It will Look like the bellow image. Now click on the Start sniffer Icon in the Cain, Please see the bellow. After that A pop up will appear which ask you to choose the Network Adapter. Just choose it and Press Apply and OK

3. Now again Click on the Start Sniffer Button,now the sniffer will be Started, this time Sniffer will activate and you will see your Internal LAN gateway. It indicates that your Sniffer is activated. Now Right Click the idle space and you will see an Option called as Scan MAC Addresses. Just click on it, so this time it will Start scanning of MAC addresses and live IP’s. See image below.
4. After that you will get the entire IP’s which are alive in your LAN or WLAN, So now you need to select the Target IP, After choosing the Target its time to Prepare the attack, So now in the below section you will see ARP, in this ARP section you will get two columns. Now click in the Free space and after that you will see a “+ ” indication in the above of Selection Tools.
5. Now just click on the same Add button, now a new Window will appear with all the IP’s which will displayed is the results of first Scanning process, you will see Both sides same IP Addresses, but in the left side you need to Choose your Gateway, for example if your IP is, then you gateway will be, see the below image, after choosing the Gateway in the right side section you need to choose target IP, after that press OK. See image pictorial diagram for help.
So after selecting the Target and gateway, we need to Start Poisoning the target IP address, To poisoning it, Click Poisoning button which will appear in the Yellow color. See the bellow image. This will start the Poisoning of the target IP. Now you will get each and every information about that IP address. You will get his Wlan Password, Mail Passwords ( Except SSL Protected), Telnet Sessions, Browsing URL’s almost every Data.
So see the Passwords and Telnet Sessions, in the below section of this Tool you will see a Section called Passwords in which we can get the entire information send from that Target IP.
So this is the use of Cain Sniffer, but you might ask why we Downloaded, Nmap and Wireshark Network Analyzer? Well, Nmap is to find the HostName and Mac Addresses of you IP’s in your LAN and Wireshark is to Analyze the Packets, with this tool we can analyze each packet send by the Target IP. All you have to do is just Run the Wireshark while Using Cain Sniffer. So it will show you each and every packet and its information.
This is the Simplest Tutorial for Learning Wlan Hacking, And its for Advance Users!!! Do not ask me to Break it into any Simpler form!!!
WARNING: This Information is for Educational Use Only, If caught in the Act, inteercommunication will not be Hold Responsible!

Make a virus with notepad
This Tutorial am about to show you now is a serious Hacking One, Just Follow us to get the Real Scope!
Most computer users feel/think Notepad is a useless tool in a computer but to be sincere its one of my Favourite Hex Editor, though this Tutorial are availabe on some other Hacking Blog but its not appropiate if it's not available on Naijaloaded, thats why i have to give you guys the scope.
Disclaimer: On no Account will Naijaloaded or its Admin be hold Responsible if any Member is caught in the Act of H@cking, This Tutorial is Strictly for Educational Use only!
With this Tutorial you can Format your Friend or Victim PC Hard Drive and Make him lose all Data beyond Recovery, I have Written a Similar Article on this Before on How to Crash and Make a PC Jam using a Simple Virus, Check Here.... But lets Face our Today Topic, Follow the Step below to start Punishing your Victim.
1. Open your Notepad on your PC and copy the Below code into it.
2. Then Save it as anyname.exe e.g Mankind.exe but make sure the name look very Attractive in such a way that your Victim will love and click on it.
{To Save File with any Extension in Notepad, In the File name: type harsh.exe and in Save as type: Just choose All Files}
3. Now You will have something like this on your PC but make sure you dont open the File on your own PC else you will be the Hacker and also the Victim.
4. Now send the File to your Friend through Flash Drive and copy it along with Other Software, but make sure your give it a lovely name so that he can Fall flawlessly!
5. After Reading Click on the Share Button below
! ThanXs!!!
I know some people will ask me some of this Question!
1. How can we Prevent this? = Well, I dont know of anyway but just be careful and dont ever open or run any .exe file without icon like the one in the image above.
2. If after you Fall to be a victim, What is gonna happen to my PC? = Your PC wont boot up you have to Format and Re-Install all the Software again and now you are gonna be very Careful...lol
Trick to hack facebook or twitter account on WLAN
This Tutorial is for Educational Purpose only!
Do you Browse or Open your Facebook or Twitter Account Public Wlan either in your School or Office’s? Am 98.9% sure they are all unsecured wifi. Then this is the time that you should think about your Account Security. If you think that Facebook or Twitter are secured websites then it’s the time to face the reality that they are not secured. Whenever you login into your facebook or twiiter account check the address bar of your browser you will see something like http://www.facebook.com/home.php? Same is the case with twitter.They use http protocol instead of secured https protocol, But if you login into your gmail account you will notice that it uses https protocol.
So this trick you are reading works only on websites like Facebook, Twiiter, Flickr but not on secured websites like Gmail. So here is Trick to Hack Facebook and Twitter Password on Wlan and also How to protect yourself from this Hack. This trick does not require any programming knowlege.
FOLLOW THIS STEPS1. You have to Download this File, Unzip it and Install the Two Files to your PC! Install the WinPCap, then the Firesheep. 2. Once Installed, it will open a sidebar window into your Firefox browser. If it does not, Do this, Click on View » Sidebar » then click Firesheep. 3. Now it will show all the people who are connected to
Hide folder in Mobile Phone without any software
Hello friends, have you ever wanted to hide folders in your Mobile phone? And for this did you download any software that can hide your folder in your mobile phone? If YES, then I shall tell you that you don't need any software to hide the folders. If you have any JAVA phone from Nokia, LG, Samsung or any other company then this tricks can be used. Just follow the steps.
Create two folders or you can use an existing folder (that is to be hidden) & a new folder.
Rename the existing folder (or one of the two folder) to any name but with the extension of .jad. For example, if your folder name is IMAGE then rename as IMAGE.jad
Now rename the other folder with the same name but with the extension of .jar. For example, the other folder name will be IMAGE.jar
Your original folder IMAGE (which has been renamed as IMAGE.jad) is now hidden. Only IMAGE.jar folder is visible which is empty.
If you want to see the hidden folder then delete its .jar folder i.e. IMAGE.jar or rename the IMAGE.jar to any name.
How to change folder icon
You can change your folder icon as theme icon or make it blank.
To show your folder icon as theme icon, just rename the folder as Name.nth
To hide your folder icon and show it blank, just rename the folder as Name.otb
This is working most of Nokia phone and also some Samsung, LG or other companies phone.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
How to create a system backup with an image
The new backup utilities in Windows 7 are actually pretty impressive and creating an image will be possible in all versions. Today we take a look at creating a backup image of your machine without the need for a third party utility like Ghost or True Image.
You just just finished installing a fresh copy of Windows 7 on your computer and have it set up to your liking. One of the first things you should do now is create an image of the disc so in the event of a crash
you will be able to restore it to its current state. An image is an exact copy of everything on the drive and will restore it back to its current state. It’s probably best to create an image when everything is clean and organized on your system. This will make the image file smaller and allows you to restore the system with a smooth running set up.
Creating an Image in Windows 7
Click on Start go to Getting Started and then select Back up your files.
Next click on the Create a system image hyperlink.
Decide where you want to save the image. You can choose an external drive, burn to multiple DVD’s, or store it on a network location.
You can include other drives if you want as well but remember that will add to the size of the final image....
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Change default path for installing program files
More people are using different drive to install software when their default derive (i.e C:\) free space size is very small.
Windows XP or 7 uses C:\Program Files directory as the default base directory into which new programs are installed. When you are installing any software then you can change installation directory by customizing it. But in this process, you have to change the directory every time when you are installing a new software. However, you can change this default installation directory / derive by registry hack.
First go to Run and type regedit press enter.
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion (double click on CurrentVersion folder).
Double click on ProgramFilesDir. By default,this value will be C:\Program Files. Edit the value to any valid drive or folder and Windoes XP/7 will use that new location as the default installation directory for new programs.
Find who is invisible on Yahoo Messenger
Sometimes some of your friends who appear offline in yahoo messenger may not be actually offline, they may in the 'Invisible' mode. This maybe if they are trying to ignore you or are too busy to talk to anyone.
There is this small trick that you can use to find out what the truth is.
Firstly open your yahoo messenger main window and double click on the name of the person whom you want to check. The chat window will open obviously.
Click IMVironment button, select See all IMVironments, select Yahoo! Tools or Interactive Fun, and click on Doodle.
After loading the Doodle imvironment there can be two possibilities
1.If the user is offline Doodle are will show this "waiting for your friend to load Doodle" continuously .See in the picture below:
2. If the user is online (but in invisible mode), after few seconds (it can take up to one minute, depending on your connection speed), you should get a blank page like in the picture below. So you know that the user is online.
Full Mozilla Shorcuts
Below is a listing of all the major shortcut keys in Mozilla Firefox. See the computer shortcut page if you are looking for other shortcut keys used in other programs.
Shortcut Keys
DescriptionAlt + Home Go to home page. Alt + Left Arrow Back a page. Backspace Back a page. Alt + Right Arrow Forward a page. F5 Refresh current page, frame, or tab. F11 Display the current website in full screen mode. Pressing F11 again will exit this mode. Esc Stop page or download from loading. Ctrl + (- or +) Increase or decrease the font size, pressing '-' will decrease and '+' will increase. Ctrl + Enter Quickly complete an address. For example, type computerhope in the address bar and press CTRL + ENTER to get http://www.computerhope.com. Shift + Enter Complete a .net instead of a .com address. Ctrl + Shift + Enter Complete a .org address. Ctrl + Shift + Del Open the Clear Data window to quickly clear private data. Ctrl + D Add a bookmark for the page currently opened. Ctrl + I Display available bookmarks. Ctrl + J Display the download window. Ctrl + N Open New browser window. Ctrl + P Print current page or frame. Ctrl + T Opens a new tab. Ctrl + F4 or Ctrl + W Closes the currently selected tab. Ctrl + Shift + T Undo the close of a window. Ctrl + Tab Moves through each of the open tabs. Spacebar Moves down a page at a time. Shift + Spacebar Moves up a page at a time. Alt + Down arrow Display all previous text entered in a text box and available options on drop down menu. => Help us Invite your Friends on Facebook to inteercommunication.blogspot.com!!!
Internet shortcuts
There are dozens of different shortcut keys that can be used with Internet browsers. Below are a few of our top suggested Internet browser shortcuts.
- Pressing Alt + D in any major Internet browser will move the cursor into the address bar. This is a great way to quickly enter an Internet address without having to click the mouse cursor in the address bar.
- Hold down the Ctrl key and press the + or - to increase and decrease the size of text.
- Press the backspace key or hold down the Alt key + left arrow to go back a page.
- Press F5 to refresh or reload a web page.
- Press F11 to make the Internet browser screen full screen. Press F11 again to return back to the normal view.
- Press Ctrl + B to open your Internet bookmarks.
- Press Ctrl + F to open the find box in the browser to search for text within the web page you're looking at.
Computer Acronym
ADSL - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
AGP - Accelerated Graphics Port
ALI - Acer Labs, Incorporated
ALU - Arithmetic Logic Unit
AMD - Advanced Micro Devices
APC - American Power Conversion
ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASIC - Application Specific Integrated Circuit
ASPI - Advanced SCSI Programming Interface
AT - Advanced Technology
ATI - ATI Technologies Inc.
ATX - Advanced Technology Extended
--- B ---BFG - BFG Technologies BIOS - Basic Input Output System BNC - Barrel Nut Connector
--- C ---CAS - Column Address Signal CD - Compact Disk CDR - Compact Disk Recorder CDRW - Compact Disk Re-Writer CD-ROM - Compact Disk - Read Only Memory CFM - Cubic Feet per Minute (ft�/min) CMOS - Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor CPU - Central Processing Unit CTX - CTX Technology Corporation (Commited to Excellence)
--- D ---DDR - Double Data Rate DDR-SDRAM - Double Data Rate - Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory DFI - DFI Inc. (Design for Innovation) DIMM - Dual Inline Memory Module DRAM - Dynamic Random Access Memory DPI - Dots Per Inch DSL - See ASDL DVD - Digital Versatile Disc DVD-RAM - Digital Versatile Disk - Random Access Memory
--- E ---ECC - Error Correction Code ECS - Elitegroup Computer Systems EDO - Extended Data Out EEPROM - Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory EPROM - Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory EVGA - EVGA Corporation--- F ---FC-PGA - Flip Chip Pin Grid Array FDC - Floppy Disk Controller FDD - Floppy Disk Drive FPS - Frame Per Second FPU - Floating Point Unit FSAA - Full Screen Anti-Aliasing FS - For Sale FSB - Front Side Bus--- G ---GB - Gigabytes GBps - Gigabytes per second or Gigabits per second GDI - Graphical Device Interface GHz - GigaHertz--- H ---HDD - Hard Disk Drive HIS - Hightech Information System Limited HP - Hewlett-Packard Development Company HSF - Heatsink-Fan--- I ---IBM - International Business Machines Corporation IC - Integrated Circuit IDE - Integrated Drive Electronics IFS- Item for Sale IRQ - Interrupt Request ISA - Industry Standard Architecture ISO - International Standards Organization--- J ---JBL - JBL (Jame B. Lansing) Speakers JVC - JVC Company of America- K ---Kbps - Kilobits Per Second KBps - KiloBytes per second--- L ---LG - LG Electronics LAN - Local Are Network LCD - Liquid Crystal Display LDT - Lightning Data Transport LED - Light Emitting Diode--- M ---MAC - Media Access Control MB � MotherBoard or Megabyte MBps - Megabytes Per Second Mbps - Megabits Per Second or Megabits Per Second MHz - MegaHertz MIPS - Million Instructions Per Second MMX - Multi-Media Extensions MSI - Micro Star International--- N ---NAS - Network Attached Storage NAT - Network Address Translation NEC - NEC Corporation NIC - Network Interface Card--- O ---OC - Overclock (Over Clock) OCZ - OCZ Technology OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer--- P ---PC - Personal Computer PCB - Printed Circuit Board PCI - Peripheral Component Interconnect PDA - Personal Digital Assistant PCMCIA - Peripheral Component Microchannel Interconnect Architecture PGA - Professional Graphics Array PLD - Programmable Logic Device PM - Private Message / Private Messaging PnP - Plug 'n Play PNY - PNY Technology POST - Power On Self Test PPPoA - Point-to-Point Protocol over ATM PPPoE - Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet PQI - PQI Corporation PSU - Power Supply Unit--- R ---RAID - Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks RAM - Random Access Memory RAMDAC - Random Access Memory Digital Analog Convertor RDRAM - Rambus Dynamic Random Access Memory ROM - Read Only Memory RPM - Revolutions Per Minute--- S ---SASID - Self-scanned Amorphous Silicon Integrated Display SCA - SCSI Configured Automatically SCSI - Small Computer System Interface SDRAM - Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory SECC - Single Edge Contact Connector SODIMM - Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Module SPARC - Scalable Processor ArChitecture SOHO - Small Office Home Office SRAM - Static Random Access Memory SSE - Streaming SIMD Extensions SVGA - Super Video Graphics Array S/PDIF - Sony/Philips Digital Interface--- T ---TB - Terabytes TBps - Terabytes per second Tbps - Terabits per second TDK - TDK Electronics TEC - Thermoelectric Cooler TPC - TipidPC TWAIN - Technology Without An Important Name--- U ---UART - Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter USB - Universal Serial Bus UTP - Unshieled Twisted Pair--- V ---VCD - Video CD VPN - Virtual Private Network--- W ---WAN - Wide Area Network WTB - Want to Buy WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get--- X ---XGA - Extended Graphics Array XFX - XFX Graphics, a Division of Pine XMS - Extended Memory Specification XT - Extended Technology
Make your friends Scare for virus
Open notepad and type this:lol=msgbox ("Warning a virus has been detected on your PC. Press YES to format your hard disk now or press NO to format your hard disk after system reboot",20,"Warning") Then save it as Virus.VBS and go to the folder that contains it and open it if a window pops out saying a virus has been detected it's working. Press yes or no to close the window and put it in the startup folder of the victim's account. On startup the window should appear.
Note: This does not harm your computer as it does not contain virus.The Yes and no button does not do anything except closing the window. And you can edit the virus in the sentence: Warning a virus has detected on your PC to any kind of virus eg.Trojan Horse like this lol=msgbox ("Warning a Trojan horse has been detected on your PC. Press YES to format your hard disk now or press NO to format format your hard disk after system reboot",20,"Warning") Oh in between make sure your victim does not panic and really reformat his harddisk. hahaha : => Help us Invite your Friends on Facebook to inteercommunication.blogspot.com!!!
Chat with CMD using IPaddress
If you want personal chat with a friend
you don't need to download any yahoo messenger
All you need is your friends IP address and Command Prompt.
Firstly, open Notepad and enter:
@echo off
set /p n=User:
set /p m=Message:
net send %n% %m%
Goto A
Now save this as "Messenger.bat". Open the .bat file and in Command
Prompt you should see:
After "User" type the IP address of the computer you want to contact.
After this, you should see this:
Now type in the message you wish to send.Before you press "Enter" it should look like this:
Message: Hi
Now all you need to do is press "Enter", and start chatting!
How to find IP address of sender in Hotmail
When you receive an email, you receive more than just the message. The email comes with headers that carry important information that can tell where the email was sent from and possibly who sent it. For that, you would need to find the IP address of the sender. The tutorial below can help you find the IP address of the sender. Note that this will not work if the sender uses anonymous proxy servers.
Finding IP address in Hotmail
1. Log into your Hotmail account with your username and password.
2. Click on the Mail tab on the top.
3. Open the mail.
4. If you do not see the headers above the mail message, your headers are not displayed. To display the headers,
* Click on Options on the top-right corner
* In the Mail Options page, click on Mail Display Settings
* In Message Headers, make sure Advanced option is checked
* Click on Ok button
* Go back to the mails and open that mail.
5. If you find a header with X-Originating-IP: followed by an IP address, that is the sender's IP addressHotmail headers : name ,In this case the IP address of the sender is []. Jump to step 9.
6. If you find a header with Received: from followed by a Gmail proxy like thisHotmail headers : nameLook for Received: from followed by IP address within square brackets[].In this case, the IP address of the sender is []. Jump to step 9.
7. Or else if you have headers like thisHotmail headers : nameLook for Received: from followed by IP address within square brackets[].In this case, the IP address of the sender is [] (Spam mail). Jump to step 9.
8. * If you have multiple Received: from headers, eliminate the ones that have proxy.anyknownserver.com.
9. Track the IP address of the sender
Show processor as Intel Core i7 or anything
Have you ever think that you can do something cool thing on computer that makes your friends surprise? You can try to change your processor name from computer properties and make your friends surprise.
I want to say that suppose you are using Intel Core 2 Duo and you want to see it as Pentium 5, Intel Core i5 or anything like your name or any text. Don't worry, it does not effect your operating system or processor. When you reboot your computer, it will shows your original processor name. Just follow the steps below and enjoy the cool tricks.
First go to Run and type regedit and open it.
Now follow the steps : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> HARDWARE -> DESCRIPTION -> System ->CentralProcessor ->
When you open CentralProcessor folder, you will see more one or two folder. Click on them and you will see a list at right side.
Find the name ProcessorNameString and right click on it and modify.
Into Value data, write ever you want or name it Intel Core i7. And click OK.
After 4 or 5 second later open your computer properties and look at your Processor name.
Note : This note for new computer users who are going to buy a second hand computer. The salesman could make you fool by changing processor name. So you restart the computer and check the original processor name.
updated trick for enabling option folder
Many times Windows users face a common problem. The “Folder Options” in “Tools” menu is not visible. Even It can’t be accessed from Control Panel. Also “Registry Editor” is disabled.
Follow the simple steps mentioned in this tutorial and your problem will be solved:
1. If Folder Options is disabled but Registry Editor is still working in your system, then you can enable Folder Options by editing Windows Registry.
Type regedit in RUN dialog box and press Enter.
it’ll open Registry Editor, now go to following keys:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Policies\ExplorerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Policies\Explorer
In right-side pane, check whether a DWORD value named NoFolderOptions exists or not? If it exists, delete it.
How to delete administrator password without software.
Method 1
Boot up with DOS and delete the sam.exe and sam.log files from Windows\system32\config in your hard drive. Now when you boot up in NT the password on your built-in administrator account which will be blank (i.e No password). This solution works only if your hard drive is FAT kind.
Method 2
Step 1. Put your hard disk of your computer in any other pc .Step 2. Boot that computer and use your hard disk as a secondary hard disk (D'nt boot as primary hard disk ).Step 3. Then open that drive in which the victim’s window(or your window) is installed.Step 4. Go to location windows->system32->configStep 5. And delete SAM.exe and SAM.log
Step 6. Now remove hard disk and put in your computer.
Step 7. And boot your computer :-)
Boot up with DOS and delete the sam.exe and sam.log files from Windows\system32\config in your hard drive. Now when you boot up in NT the password on your built-in administrator account which will be blank (i.e No password). This solution works only if your hard drive is FAT kind.
Method 2
Step 1. Put your hard disk of your computer in any other pc .Step 2. Boot that computer and use your hard disk as a secondary hard disk (D'nt boot as primary hard disk ).Step 3. Then open that drive in which the victim’s window(or your window) is installed.Step 4. Go to location windows->system32->configStep 5. And delete SAM.exe and SAM.log
Step 6. Now remove hard disk and put in your computer.
Step 7. And boot your computer :-)
Repair corrupted files in windows XP
People who use Windows XP operating system often fetch a problem with corrupted files. Most of the times they reinstall the operating system to get rid from this problem. But they need to install all necessary softwares. From this tricks you can learn how to fix the corrupted files easy.
Follow the steps below.
this is meant for windows XP users alone.
- For this a Windows XP cd required.
- Now place the Windows XP cd in your cd/dvd drive.
- Go to start menu and click on Run button and type sfc/scannow or chkdsk/r.
this is meant for windows XP users alone.
Hide folder name and icon
Hide folder name and icon
Today I shall tell you how to hide a folder name & icon without any software. This method only hides your folder icon and name. This is not protecting your folder from other people to open it. Follow the steps below.
Create a new folder on your computer hard drive or select a folder that you want to hide the name & icon.
Rename the folder. When you rename it, hold down Alt key and press 0160 . (When you are pressing 0160 this will show nothing.)
NOTE : You must on Num Lock (short for Number Lock) and use numeric keypad. Don't use the number on the top side of Alphabet keys. If you use laptop or other device where there are no extra Numerical keypad, then check the device manual to use Numerical keypad.
Now right click on the folder and select Properties select the tab Customize and select Change Icon. Scroll along and you should see a few blank spaces. Click on any one and click OK and Apply the settings.
Now your folder name and icon is invisible. If it shows the Type i.e. File Folder, then change your view to List, Small Icons, Medium Icons or Large Icons.
To protect your folder from other people, visit my previos post Folder lock with password and hide without any software.
Remove shortcut arrow from desktop icon completely
Hello friends, today I am going to tell you how to remove shortcut arrow from your desktop icons in any type of documents. I hope you all like this post. So follow the steps 1 to 4.
- Go to Run and type 'regedit'.
- At the left side Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\lnkfile (Click on lnkfile folder)
- Delete IsShortcut registry value.
- Close regedit and restart your computer.
For piffile, docshortcut, conferencelink, wshfile, internetshortcut do the same things given below.
- Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\piffile
- Delete IsShortcut registry value.
- Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\DocShortcut
- Delete IsShortcut registry value.
- Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ConferenceLink
- Delete IsShortcut registry value.
- Delete IsShortcut registry value.
- Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\InternetShortcut
- Delete IsShortcut registry value.
After Deleting or changing registry value close regedit and restart your computer.
Test the working speed of your antivirus
Most of the people think about the best antivirus for their computer. Sometimes the antivirus might not be work properly. So you want to test the working of your pc antivirus but the question is how to check whether it is working correctly or not.
Today I am going to tell you how you check the working of your pc antivirus. European Institute of Computer Antivirus Research (EICAR) uses the following steps to test any antivirus.
If your antivirus gives a warning or alert then it is working correctly and deletes the file immediately. If no such warning or alert is shown then either re-install your antivirus or use another one. An important thing is that most of the antivirus will display a warning in first step and will remove the file
Today I am going to tell you how you check the working of your pc antivirus. European Institute of Computer Antivirus Research (EICAR) uses the following steps to test any antivirus.
- At first open a notepad, copy the following code and paste it into the notepad and save it.
- Rename the file from New Text Document.TXT to testfile.com
- Now scan this testfile.com file.
If your antivirus gives a warning or alert then it is working correctly and deletes the file immediately. If no such warning or alert is shown then either re-install your antivirus or use another one. An important thing is that most of the antivirus will display a warning in first step and will remove the file
How to increase the speed of your MOZILLA FIREFOX
Firefox is a faster, safe and secure internet browser.
But it would be amazing if you make it more faster. Today I will tell
you how to increase Firefox's speed to allow a much more enjoyable
internet experience. If so, follow these steps below......
- Open your Firefox browser.
- Type about:config in address bar.
- Filter the settings (Italic i>) below, and change then to the values (Bold) specified:
network.http.max-connections : 48
network.http.max-connections-per-server : 24
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy : 12
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server : 6
network.http.pipelining : true
network.http.pipelining.maxrequests : 8
network.http.proxy.pipelining : true ( double click to 'true')
4. Exit your Firefox browser, and restart it.
Now navigate to Tools and choose Clear Recent History. Open your favorite website and enjoy Firefox Speed Increase.
Create a folder lock without any software.
Today I shall tell you how to lock a folder with
password without any software. Only you need to create a batch file. So
follow the steps.
- Open a Notepad. Copy the code below and paste it into notepad.
- Save as the notepad as NAME.bat (E.g. Folder_lock.bat).
- Keep the batch file (Folder_lock.bat) in any hard drive or on the desktop and double click on it. It will create a new folder locker at the same location.
- Keep the files that you want to hide and also lock with password into the folder locker. If you want to unlock your files then double click on the batch file again and type Y (for yes). Here I set the password 12345. You can change the password by editing the batch file.
title Folder LockerByPrabirGhoshIndia
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%==12345 goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created successfully
goto End
Make a text to audio converter
Do you want to listen the speech which was written in text format? Then
you have to make a text to audio converter. You can make it easily by
writing some commands into notepad. The commands are given below.
Just copy the commands and paste it into notepad. Give the notepad any name.vbs (e.g. Speak.vbs), Save as type: All Files and Save it.
Copy the text below:
Just copy the commands and paste it into notepad. Give the notepad any name.vbs (e.g. Speak.vbs), Save as type: All Files and Save it.
Copy the text below:
Dim message, sapiAfter saving it double click on .vbs file and write anything (in English) into the box and click OK.
message=InputBox("What do you want me to say?","Speak to Me powered by 001 Easy Tricks")
Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak message
Monday, November 19, 2012
Tutorial: Programming in Visual Basic 6.0
This tutorial contains a beginner’s guide to Visual Basic 6.0, introducing the programming
environment, defining key terms and introducing exercises to demonstrate the five
control structures (sequence, selection: binary and multiway, iteration: pre and post
Syllabus outcome
H5.3 A student selects and applies appropriate software to facilitate the design and
development of software solutions
Students learn to implement a fully tested and documented software solution in a
methodical manner. (SDD syllabus, p.51)
The following headings may help you navigate:
Activity 1: Welcome screen and menu editor
Activity 2: Event handlers and scroll bars
Naming conventions
Data types, variables and functions
Activity 3: Messages and input boxes
Activity 4: Create a calculator and avoid division by zero
Binary Selection
Activity 5: Measurement converter
Multiway selection
Activity 6: Multiway selection
Activity 7: Control arrays
Activity 8: Pre-test loops
Activity 9: Post-test loops
Activity 10: Random number generator
Activity 11: Using a counter in a pre-test loop
Activity 12: Nested FOR loops and arrays
Organising your first project
The first step is to create a project template within VB, to organise and store your work.
This will consist of a menu structure with headings that will let you access the many
exercises and examples you complete.
Activity 1
· Open VisualBasic 6.0
· Use the file menu to open a new project with a blank form.
· Use the properties window to set
– Main.frm as the form name.
– My programs as the caption.
– BackColor to White.
– BorderStyle to Fixed Single.
– WindowState to Maximised.
· Find the Menu icon and click on it to select it. Enter the following menu headings:
Introduction with indented subheadings of
Click OK after each menu caption and name are typed.
· Click on Quit menu heading and enter the following code. This procedure is used to
exit from running the project display and return to the design screens.
Private Sub Quit_Click()
Unload me
End Sub
· Use the <F5> function key to run the application to verify that the Menu structure is
correct and that the Quit procedure is free from error.
· Use the File menu to save your work as Main.frm and (your intitials)Project1.vbp
· Use the file menu to open a new blank form (or the properties window)
· Set the following form properties:
form name as Welcome
caption to Example1
BackColor to White
BorderStyle to Fixed Single
WindowState to Maximised
· Click on the Example 1 main menu heading and enter the following code:
Private Sub Example1_Click()
End Sub
· Save your work and run <F5> to ensure that it is free of errors.
· Add two labels, an image and a command button to create a welcome screen. To do
Select label icon from the toolbox. Click towards the centre-top of your form and
position and resize your label as required.
With the label selected, use the properties window to
Change the caption to WELCOME TO VISUAL BASIC
Choose a bright back colour
Set the font (Arial, underline, alignment centred, size 24 point, forecolour blue)
Repeat to add the Enjoy label.
Use the image icon on your toolbox to add the image to your form. Use the
properties window of the image to select a picture.
Use the command Button icon to add the button. Change its caption to RETURN.
Then double-click the button and add the following line of code after the
Command1_Click() procedure.
– Unload Welcome
· Use the file menu to save your work and use <F5> to run the application.
Event handlers and scroll bars
Some definitions to learn
· An object is a thing — anything that appears on the screen. An object has a set of
properties. Each property of the object has a value.
e.g. Label.Caption = “Welcome to Visual Basic” where
Label is an object
Caption is a property of label
“Welcome to Visual Basic” is a value of the Caption property.
· Events are things that happen on the screen. Event handlers transfer data to
procedures that complete the task. The results of these procedures are returned
back to other screen objects, e.g. onChange onClick
· A procedure is a group of statements designed to perform a specific task. A
procedure attached to an object, such as a button, is a command used to make
something happen, e.g.
Public Sub Command2_Click()
Text1.Text = “This is a procedure.”
End Sub
Add new form to menu
As each new example and exercise solution is to be added to your project you will need
· add a new form
· set the form properties using the properties window
· click on the main menu icon with the main form displayed to show the menu
· add a new menu heading
· click on the menu heading to show the procedure code
· to the procedure code, add the statement
where FormXX is the new form name.
Activity 2
1. Open a new form and change its name to ColourChanger. Place the following objects
on this form.
A heading label2 (Caption = Colour Changer)
3 horizontal scroll bars (Set the max value property of all three to 255)
3 other labels (2red, 3Green, 4Blue)
a command button to quit the form (Caption = Return)
another small label5 under the button with its visible property set to false.
2. Double click each scroll bar and add the following code to its _onChange() event. Use
cut and paste to make the task easier.
Label1.BackColor = RGB(HScroll1.Value, HScroll2.Value, HScroll3.Value)
Label5.BackColor = RGB(HScroll1.Value, HScroll2.Value, HScroll3.Value)
Label1.ForeColor = RGB(255 - HScroll1.Value, 255 - HScroll2.Value, 255 -
Label5.ForeColor = RGB(255 - HScroll1.Value, 255 - HScroll2.Value, 255 -
Label5.Visible = True
Label5.Caption = “WOW!”
Label2.BackColor = RGB(HScroll1.Value, 0, 0)
Label3.BackColor = RGB(0, HScroll2.Value, 0)
Label4.BackColor = RGB)0, 0, HScroll3.Value)
3. Double click the return button and add the following code to its _onClick() event
Unload Me
4. Use the Project Explorer window to return to your main form and double click
example 2 in your menu to add the appropriate code.
5. Use <F5> function key to test your project. Save and backup.
Naming conventions
Up till now, we have often accepted default names, Text1, Label1, etc. In a big project,
this is not good practice as it makes the code harder to read or maintain. Naming
conventions use a prefix of three lowerCase letters to identify the type of control,
followed by a meaningful name. eg. lblTitle
Prefix Abbreviations for Control names
Prefix Control Prefix Control
cbo combo box chk check box
cmd command button dir directory list box
drv drive list box fil file list box
fil file list box fra frame
frm form grd grid
hsb horizontal scrollbar img image
lbl label lin line
lst list box mnu menu
ole OLE client opt option button
pic picture box shp shape
tmr timer txt text box
vsb vertical scrollbar
Data types in VB
A variable is a named location that holds data. A variable can only hold one datatype.
A program can have as many variables as you need but before you can use a variable it
must be declared.
You use a DIM statement to declare variables (where DIM stands for dimension). Here is
the format of the DIM statement:
Dim VarName As Datatype
e.g. Dim curCost As Currency, Dim strSurname As String
Datatype Description and Range Prefix
Boolean One of two values only. e.g. True or False e.g. blnIsOverTime bln
Byte Positive numeric values without decimals from 0-256 e.g.
Currency Data that holds dollar amounts from
-$922,337,203,685,477.5808 to +-
$922,337,203,685,477.5807 e.g. curHourlyPay
Date Date and time values from Jan 1, 100 to Dec 31, 9999 e.g.
Double Numeric values from –1.79769313486232E+308 to
+1.79769313486232E+308. Often called double-precision.
e.g. dblMicroMeasurement
Integer Numeric values with no decimal point or fraction from –
32,768 to 32,767 e.g. intCount
Long Integer values beyond the range of Integer datatype from lng
–2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 e.g. lngStarDistance
Object A special datatype that holds and references objects such as
controls or forms. e.g. objSoundClip
Single Numeric values that range from –3,402823E+38 to
3,402823E+38. Often called single-precision.
String Data that consists of 0 to 65,400 characters of alphanumeric
data including special characters such as @, ^, ½ e.g.
Variant Data of any datatype used for control and other values for
which the datatype is unknown. e.g. vntControlValue
vnt or
A function is a segment of code that accepts zero, one or more arguments and returns a
single result. Visual Basic includes many built-in functions (intrinsic functions). Some
perform basic mathematical tasks. Others manipulate string data such as converting text
to upperCase or lowerCase letters.
An argument is a value you pass to a function so the function has data to work with.
Function names have parentheses at the end to hold the function arguments. Even if a
function has no arguments, the parenthesis are required.
Two intrinsic functions include message boxes and input boxes.
Activity 3: Message and input boxes
Message and input boxes are intrinsic functions in Visual Basic 6.0 which allow the end
user to interact with the program.
Follow the instructions Add new form to menu at the end of Activity 1 to create a new
form with a menu heading on the main form. Call this “Message and Input Boxes”
· Make the Form.Caption = “Message and Input Boxes”
· Put a label on the top of the form “Computer Conversation”. Underneath have a
command button with the caption “Talk to me!” Name the command button cmdTalk.
· Double click the command button to add the following code sequence.
Private Sub cmdTalk_Click()
Dim strQuestion As String
Dim intAnswer As Integer
‘First you must declare your variables’
‘Then use the input and message box functions’
strQuestion = InputBox(“Type in your name!”, “Ebeneezer”)
intAnswer = MsgBox(“Hello there” & strQuestion, vbOKCancel, “Chat”)
End Sub
· Add a return button, called cmdBack as you did in the ColourChanger, using the code
Private Sub cmdBack_Click()
End Sub
· Run your program using <F5>. Don’t forget to save your work.
Here are some handy literals (values that don’t change). You don’t have to learn them
as the help prompt supplies a drop down list as you start to type.
Buttons in Message Boxes
Named Literal Value Description
vbOKOnly 0 Displays the OK button
vbOKCancel 1 Displays the OK button and Cancel buttons
vbAbortRetryIgnore 2 Displays the Abort, Retry and Ignore buttons.
vbYesNoCancel 3 Displays the Yes, No and Cancel buttons.
vbYesNo 4 Displays the Yes and No buttons.
vbRetryCancel 5 Displays the Retry and Cancel buttons.
Icons in Message Boxes
Named literal Value Description
vbCritical 16 Displays Critical Message icon
vbQuestion 32 Displays Warning Query icon.
vbExclamation 48 Displays Warning Message icon.
vbInformation 64 Displays Information message icon.
vbSystemModal 4096 Displays a System Modal dialog box. The user must
acknowledge this box before doing anything else.
Remarks are added in code to explain the purpose of a section of code or to add
information for code maintenance. If Rem or ‘ is placed in front of the remark, that line
of code is ignored completely.
Activity 4
Create a calculator that can add, subtract, multiply and divide two numbers given by the
[A possible solution might use two input boxes (txtOne and txtTwo) and a label to display
the answer (lblAnswer).
Declare variables:
dblNo1 As Double
dblNo2 As Double
dblAnswer As Double
intError As Integer
Use Val function to change string from input box to a number, then an assignment
statement to put that value into the variable.
dblNo1 = Val (txtOne.text)
Repeat for second number.
Use a Format function to ensure answer is rounded off to two decimal places.
lblAnswer.Caption = Format (dblAnswer, “#,##0.00”)
If you are very clever, this might be an option for the user.
Ensure that it is not possible to divide by zero, either by entering nothing or by entering
zero. Use the MsgBox() function to indicate the problem to the user.
If Val (txtTwo.Text) = 0 Then
IntError = MsgBox (“You cannot divide by 0!”, VbOkCancel, “Whoops!)
Else …
End If
Add a clear command button with the following code to allow the user to do another
txtOne.Text = “”
txtTwo.Text = “”
lblAnswer.Caption = “”
The SetFocus method returns the cursor to the first input box.
Set properties to pretty it up.
Check that it works. Use integers, very big numbers, very small numbers, negative
numbers, zeros, etc. Is your label big enough for all values? If you set the label’s
autosize property to true it will stretch to fit.
Add a remark (put ‘ at the beginning of the line) at the top of your code which includes
your name and the date.
Connect to a Binary Selection menu heading on the main form.
Sequence algorithms
The programs in Activities 1 — 3 were all constructed from sequence algorithm
constructs. Each line of code followed another with only one possible pathway for each
event. So, for each sub procedure, the algorithm would consist of input, output and a
series of process steps, e.g.
Private Sub cmdClear_Click() `user input
txtOne.Text = “”
txtTwo.Text = “”
lblAnswer.Caption = “”
`sequence of processes initializing variables
End Sub `output
Binary selection
The next group of programs you will write uses the second algorithm construct —
selection. Selection allows multiple pathways for any event and allows for choices to be
made. Selection constructs can be Binary (two way) or Multiway (multiple choices)
Binary selection uses the If – End If or the If – Else – End If statements. Here
is the syntax in Visual Basic.
If comparison test Then
One or more Visual Basic statements
End If
If comparison test Then
One or more Visual Basic statements
One or more Visual Basic Statements
End If
(You have used binary selection in your calculator to prevent a user dividing by zero.)
Activity 5
· Add a new menu heading Selections with two subheadings, Binary Selection and
Multiway Selection.
· Write a program to convert inches to centimetres OR centimetres to inches (using the
conversion 1 inch = 2.54 centimetres).
· Use option buttons (from the toolbox) for the user to indicate whether the conversion
is inches to centimetres or centimetres to inches.
· Use IF statements to determine which formula to use based on which option button is
selected. Option buttons are mutually exclusive, i.e. only one can be selected at a
· Connect to menu heading Binary Selection.
· Run the application to ensure that it is working correctly.
· Use your calculator to verify the results. Try it out with some test data including
very large numbers, very small numbers, zero, negative numbers, 0.000000987654.
Multiway selection
In Activity 5 we looked at an example of binary selection. If the selection involves more
than two alternatives, you can use nested If statements but this becomes complicated
and leads to hard-to-read code. It is better to use Case statements. Here is the syntax
for multiple selection through Case statements.
Select Case Expression
Case value
[One or more VB statements]
Case value
[One or more VB statements]
Case value
[One or more VB statements]
Case Else
[One or more VB statements]
End Select
For example:
Select Case intAge
Is your measurement in Inches or Centimetres
Enter the measurement
The measurement in centimetres is 2.54 cms.
1 Convert it!
Case Is < 6
lblTitle.Caption = “Preschool”
Case 6 To 11
lblTitle.Caption = “Primary School”
Case 12 To 18
lblTitle.Caption = “Secondary School”
Case Else
lblTitle.Caption = “Adult”
End Select
Activity 6
1. The post office has the following charges for parcels based upon different weights.
Weight (gram) Cost
0 – 50 $1.40
51 – 100 $2.70
101 – 250 $4.00
251 – 500 $7.50
Parcels which are heavier than 500 gms are calculated by weight*0.02
Design a project that allows a user to enter the weight in a text box and calculate the
postage. Use Case statements in your code. Link this as CaseWeights under the
Multiway menu heading in your main form.
2. Use a set of check boxes to allow a user to choose the noise level by the comments,
then output the probable decibel level based on information in the following table.
Decibel level Comfort level
140+ Extremely painful
90 – 139 Deafening
60 – 89 Disturbing
30 – 59 Distracting
0 – 29 Relaxing
Again use Case statements and link this to the main form menu under the name
NoiseLevels again connected to the Multiway menu heading.
Activity 7
A control array is a set of multiple controls of the same type with the same name (often
created by using the Copy and Paste command). You may have encountered this already
in adding radio buttons or check boxes to your form. Individual controls within the array
are distinguished by having different Index property values. So, if you created a control
array of option buttons called optChoice, the Click event procedure might look like this:
Private Sub optChoice_Click (Index As Integer)
Select Case optChoice (Index)
Case Index = 0 Label1.Caption = "Monday"
Case Index = 1 Label1.Caption = "Tuesday"
Case Index = 2 Label1.Caption = "Wednesday"
Case Index = 3 Label1.Caption = "Thursday"
Case Index = 4 Label1.Caption = "Friday"
Case Index = 5 Label1.Caption = "Saturday"
Case Else Label1.Caption = "Sunday"
End Select
End Sub
The code above would change the label caption as each different option button was
selected. Try this out, then add code to change the label background colour (to
something appropriate) for each different day. Link to the menu Multiway Selection
heading in the main form menu under the heading Colour My Days.
Before we continue with the last structures — iterations — check that the menu
headings on Main are all correct and linked (by code) to the correct forms. Check the list
below and change any that need to be changed.
Introduction (Sequences)
Example 1 (– Welcome to VB)
Example 2 (– Colour changer)
from Activity 1
from Activity 2
Message and Input boxes
Sequence (– Computer Conversation) from Activity 3
Binary (- The calculator)
Binary (- Measurement Converter)
Multiway (- Parcel weights)
Multiway (- Noise levels)
Multiway (-Colour my days)
from Activity 4
from Activity 5
from Activity 6
from Activity 6
from Activity 7
Iterations or loops are structures that allow a statement or group of statements to be
carried out repeatedly while some condition remains true (or for a counted number of
times). Each iteration MUST contain a way of stopping the looping. There are 2
basic iteration structures:
· Pre-test iterations: in these loops, the condition to be met occurs at the beginning
of the loop and the code will not run at all if the condition
is never met.
· Post-test iterations: in these loops, the condition to be met is at the end of the loop
so that the code always runs at least once.
Activity 8
Create a new form and link to iteration — pre-test (- Count the beeps) on the Main menu.
Add a text box and a command button. Put a label above the text box asking the user to
input a number between 1 and 10. When the user clicks the command button, check the
textbox for a valid number and issue an error message if the number isn’t inside the
expected range. If the number is valid, use Do While …… Loop to issue that
number of beeps. Name your form frmBeeper.
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim intNumber As Integer
Dim pause As Integer
intNumber = Val(Text1.Text)
If (intNumber > 0) And (intNumber < 11) Then
‘Declare variables
‘Input user number
‘Validate number
Do While intNumber > 0
For pause = 0 To 2500
Next pause
‘Slow down the beeps
intNumber = intNumber - 1 ‘Count down
Text1.Text = ""
End If
End Sub
Write an IPO Chart for this program.
Then write the pseudocode algorithm for this program.
Activity 9
In this tutorial, we look at writing code containing the 5 basic control structures.
· sequence
· binary selection
· multiway selection
· pre-test iteration
· post-test iteration
The IPO chart and pseudocode algorithm for finding the average of some numbers
entered from the keyboard, using a post-test loop, might look like this:
I number, counter
P add number to sum
add 1 to counter
average = sum/counter
O average
BEGIN Main Program
counter = 0
sum = 0
get number
sum = sum + number
counter = counter + 1
UNTIL counter = 10
average = sum / counter
display average
Write this algorithm as a flowchart.
Open a new form and create a link to the program from the menu form (Main) under
Iterations … Post-test Loops … Averages. Write an application to display the average of
10 numbers entered by the user using a post-test loop with the syntax Do …..Loop
Until to ask for each number. Remember to use the Val () function to convert strings
to numbers. Each number might be asked for with an input box using the syntax:
strNumber = InputBox(“Enter the next number.”, “Enter your numbers.”)
intNumber = Val(strNumber)
Don’t forget to declare all your variables with Dim statements.
e.g. Dim strNumber As String
Initialise your variables to 0 at the beginning of the procedure.
intNumber = 0
intCounter = 0
Can you be sure that the counter will never cause division by zero and crash your
program? Explain your answer.
Activity 10
Use a new function Rnd() to generate a random number. Write an application on a
new form to generate a random number between 1 and 6 to simulate the rolling of a
dice. Your form will need a large picture box with the Autosize property set to true and a
command button with the following code behind it.
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim x As Integer
x = 0
Picture1 Print
‘ Ensures the start of each sequence of random numbers is also randomised
x = Int(Rnd * 6 + 1)
Picture1 Print x;
Loop Until x <> 6
End Sub
Run your program clicking the command button several times (until the picture box is
full). Create a link to the program from the menu form (Main) under Iterations … Post
test Loops … Roll the dice.
To produce a random integer x where 0 <= x < N, use the following syntax
x = Int(Rnd * N)
The following statement produces random integers in the range from 51 to 150.
x = Int (Rnd*100 + 51)
The Randomize statement ensures that the start of each sequence of random numbers is
also random.
You will notice that Visual Basic has two different syntax statements for post-test
· Do ……. Loop Until (comparison test)
· Do ……. Loop While (comparison test)
Both are post-test loops where the comparison test appears at the bottom of the loop
meaning that the code in the loop must execute at least once. These are both equivalent
to the pseudocode syntax
Write the algorithm for this application in pseudocode that explains what every line in the
program does.
Activity 11
Create a program to generate the first 20 Fibonacci numbers. This time use a counter to
control the number of iterations. Add a Picture Box to print your results to. Make sure
the PictureBox.Font Transparent = False, AutoRedraw = True and that the BackColor is
different from the ForeColor. Use the following code to help you.
Dim FibNumber As Integer, FibNext As Integer, Counter As Integer
FibNumber = 0
FibNext = 1
Picture1 Print "Ist 20 Fibonacci Numbers"
Do While Counter < 20
Picture1 Print FibNumber & ", ";
‘trailing semicolon stops the Print method going to the next line.
Picture1 Print FibNext & ", "
FibNumber = FibNumber + FibNext
FibNext = FibNext + FibNumber
Counter = Counter + 2
If Counter = 10 Then
Picture1 Print
‘This creates a new line
End If
Write an IPO chart and the algorithm in pseudocode and as a flowchart.
Activity 12
Write a program that uses nested For loops to fill a 2 dimensional array and then to print
out the times tables from 1 – 12 into a picture control using the syntax:
picDisplay Print (variable, [variable] ...]
with a new line for each new times table on the display.
You will definitely need to plot this one out on paper first, writing your algorithms and
checking them. To declare your variable, you need the statement:
Dim arrTables[12,12] As Integer
This tutorial contains a beginner’s guide to Visual Basic 6.0, introducing the programming
environment, defining key terms and introducing exercises to demonstrate the five
control structures (sequence, selection: binary and multiway, iteration: pre and post
Syllabus outcome
H5.3 A student selects and applies appropriate software to facilitate the design and
development of software solutions
Students learn to implement a fully tested and documented software solution in a
methodical manner. (SDD syllabus, p.51)
The following headings may help you navigate:
Activity 1: Welcome screen and menu editor
Activity 2: Event handlers and scroll bars
Naming conventions
Data types, variables and functions
Activity 3: Messages and input boxes
Activity 4: Create a calculator and avoid division by zero
Binary Selection
Activity 5: Measurement converter
Multiway selection
Activity 6: Multiway selection
Activity 7: Control arrays
Activity 8: Pre-test loops
Activity 9: Post-test loops
Activity 10: Random number generator
Activity 11: Using a counter in a pre-test loop
Activity 12: Nested FOR loops and arrays
Organising your first project
The first step is to create a project template within VB, to organise and store your work.
This will consist of a menu structure with headings that will let you access the many
exercises and examples you complete.
Activity 1
· Open VisualBasic 6.0
· Use the file menu to open a new project with a blank form.
· Use the properties window to set
– Main.frm as the form name.
– My programs as the caption.
– BackColor to White.
– BorderStyle to Fixed Single.
– WindowState to Maximised.
· Find the Menu icon and click on it to select it. Enter the following menu headings:
Introduction with indented subheadings of
Click OK after each menu caption and name are typed.
· Click on Quit menu heading and enter the following code. This procedure is used to
exit from running the project display and return to the design screens.
Private Sub Quit_Click()
Unload me
End Sub
· Use the <F5> function key to run the application to verify that the Menu structure is
correct and that the Quit procedure is free from error.
· Use the File menu to save your work as Main.frm and (your intitials)Project1.vbp
· Use the file menu to open a new blank form (or the properties window)
· Set the following form properties:
form name as Welcome
caption to Example1
BackColor to White
BorderStyle to Fixed Single
WindowState to Maximised
· Click on the Example 1 main menu heading and enter the following code:
Private Sub Example1_Click()
End Sub
· Save your work and run <F5> to ensure that it is free of errors.
· Add two labels, an image and a command button to create a welcome screen. To do
Select label icon from the toolbox. Click towards the centre-top of your form and
position and resize your label as required.
With the label selected, use the properties window to
Change the caption to WELCOME TO VISUAL BASIC
Choose a bright back colour
Set the font (Arial, underline, alignment centred, size 24 point, forecolour blue)
Repeat to add the Enjoy label.
Use the image icon on your toolbox to add the image to your form. Use the
properties window of the image to select a picture.
Use the command Button icon to add the button. Change its caption to RETURN.
Then double-click the button and add the following line of code after the
Command1_Click() procedure.
– Unload Welcome
· Use the file menu to save your work and use <F5> to run the application.
Event handlers and scroll bars
Some definitions to learn
· An object is a thing — anything that appears on the screen. An object has a set of
properties. Each property of the object has a value.
e.g. Label.Caption = “Welcome to Visual Basic” where
Label is an object
Caption is a property of label
“Welcome to Visual Basic” is a value of the Caption property.
· Events are things that happen on the screen. Event handlers transfer data to
procedures that complete the task. The results of these procedures are returned
back to other screen objects, e.g. onChange onClick
· A procedure is a group of statements designed to perform a specific task. A
procedure attached to an object, such as a button, is a command used to make
something happen, e.g.
Public Sub Command2_Click()
Text1.Text = “This is a procedure.”
End Sub
Add new form to menu
As each new example and exercise solution is to be added to your project you will need
· add a new form
· set the form properties using the properties window
· click on the main menu icon with the main form displayed to show the menu
· add a new menu heading
· click on the menu heading to show the procedure code
· to the procedure code, add the statement
where FormXX is the new form name.
Activity 2
1. Open a new form and change its name to ColourChanger. Place the following objects
on this form.
A heading label2 (Caption = Colour Changer)
3 horizontal scroll bars (Set the max value property of all three to 255)
3 other labels (2red, 3Green, 4Blue)
a command button to quit the form (Caption = Return)
another small label5 under the button with its visible property set to false.
2. Double click each scroll bar and add the following code to its _onChange() event. Use
cut and paste to make the task easier.
Label1.BackColor = RGB(HScroll1.Value, HScroll2.Value, HScroll3.Value)
Label5.BackColor = RGB(HScroll1.Value, HScroll2.Value, HScroll3.Value)
Label1.ForeColor = RGB(255 - HScroll1.Value, 255 - HScroll2.Value, 255 -
Label5.ForeColor = RGB(255 - HScroll1.Value, 255 - HScroll2.Value, 255 -
Label5.Visible = True
Label5.Caption = “WOW!”
Label2.BackColor = RGB(HScroll1.Value, 0, 0)
Label3.BackColor = RGB(0, HScroll2.Value, 0)
Label4.BackColor = RGB)0, 0, HScroll3.Value)
3. Double click the return button and add the following code to its _onClick() event
Unload Me
4. Use the Project Explorer window to return to your main form and double click
example 2 in your menu to add the appropriate code.
5. Use <F5> function key to test your project. Save and backup.
Naming conventions
Up till now, we have often accepted default names, Text1, Label1, etc. In a big project,
this is not good practice as it makes the code harder to read or maintain. Naming
conventions use a prefix of three lowerCase letters to identify the type of control,
followed by a meaningful name. eg. lblTitle
Prefix Abbreviations for Control names
Prefix Control Prefix Control
cbo combo box chk check box
cmd command button dir directory list box
drv drive list box fil file list box
fil file list box fra frame
frm form grd grid
hsb horizontal scrollbar img image
lbl label lin line
lst list box mnu menu
ole OLE client opt option button
pic picture box shp shape
tmr timer txt text box
vsb vertical scrollbar
Data types in VB
A variable is a named location that holds data. A variable can only hold one datatype.
A program can have as many variables as you need but before you can use a variable it
must be declared.
You use a DIM statement to declare variables (where DIM stands for dimension). Here is
the format of the DIM statement:
Dim VarName As Datatype
e.g. Dim curCost As Currency, Dim strSurname As String
Datatype Description and Range Prefix
Boolean One of two values only. e.g. True or False e.g. blnIsOverTime bln
Byte Positive numeric values without decimals from 0-256 e.g.
Currency Data that holds dollar amounts from
-$922,337,203,685,477.5808 to +-
$922,337,203,685,477.5807 e.g. curHourlyPay
Date Date and time values from Jan 1, 100 to Dec 31, 9999 e.g.
Double Numeric values from –1.79769313486232E+308 to
+1.79769313486232E+308. Often called double-precision.
e.g. dblMicroMeasurement
Integer Numeric values with no decimal point or fraction from –
32,768 to 32,767 e.g. intCount
Long Integer values beyond the range of Integer datatype from lng
–2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 e.g. lngStarDistance
Object A special datatype that holds and references objects such as
controls or forms. e.g. objSoundClip
Single Numeric values that range from –3,402823E+38 to
3,402823E+38. Often called single-precision.
String Data that consists of 0 to 65,400 characters of alphanumeric
data including special characters such as @, ^, ½ e.g.
Variant Data of any datatype used for control and other values for
which the datatype is unknown. e.g. vntControlValue
vnt or
A function is a segment of code that accepts zero, one or more arguments and returns a
single result. Visual Basic includes many built-in functions (intrinsic functions). Some
perform basic mathematical tasks. Others manipulate string data such as converting text
to upperCase or lowerCase letters.
An argument is a value you pass to a function so the function has data to work with.
Function names have parentheses at the end to hold the function arguments. Even if a
function has no arguments, the parenthesis are required.
Two intrinsic functions include message boxes and input boxes.
Activity 3: Message and input boxes
Message and input boxes are intrinsic functions in Visual Basic 6.0 which allow the end
user to interact with the program.
Follow the instructions Add new form to menu at the end of Activity 1 to create a new
form with a menu heading on the main form. Call this “Message and Input Boxes”
· Make the Form.Caption = “Message and Input Boxes”
· Put a label on the top of the form “Computer Conversation”. Underneath have a
command button with the caption “Talk to me!” Name the command button cmdTalk.
· Double click the command button to add the following code sequence.
Private Sub cmdTalk_Click()
Dim strQuestion As String
Dim intAnswer As Integer
‘First you must declare your variables’
‘Then use the input and message box functions’
strQuestion = InputBox(“Type in your name!”, “Ebeneezer”)
intAnswer = MsgBox(“Hello there” & strQuestion, vbOKCancel, “Chat”)
End Sub
· Add a return button, called cmdBack as you did in the ColourChanger, using the code
Private Sub cmdBack_Click()
End Sub
· Run your program using <F5>. Don’t forget to save your work.
Here are some handy literals (values that don’t change). You don’t have to learn them
as the help prompt supplies a drop down list as you start to type.
Buttons in Message Boxes
Named Literal Value Description
vbOKOnly 0 Displays the OK button
vbOKCancel 1 Displays the OK button and Cancel buttons
vbAbortRetryIgnore 2 Displays the Abort, Retry and Ignore buttons.
vbYesNoCancel 3 Displays the Yes, No and Cancel buttons.
vbYesNo 4 Displays the Yes and No buttons.
vbRetryCancel 5 Displays the Retry and Cancel buttons.
Icons in Message Boxes
Named literal Value Description
vbCritical 16 Displays Critical Message icon
vbQuestion 32 Displays Warning Query icon.
vbExclamation 48 Displays Warning Message icon.
vbInformation 64 Displays Information message icon.
vbSystemModal 4096 Displays a System Modal dialog box. The user must
acknowledge this box before doing anything else.
Remarks are added in code to explain the purpose of a section of code or to add
information for code maintenance. If Rem or ‘ is placed in front of the remark, that line
of code is ignored completely.
Activity 4
Create a calculator that can add, subtract, multiply and divide two numbers given by the
[A possible solution might use two input boxes (txtOne and txtTwo) and a label to display
the answer (lblAnswer).
Declare variables:
dblNo1 As Double
dblNo2 As Double
dblAnswer As Double
intError As Integer
Use Val function to change string from input box to a number, then an assignment
statement to put that value into the variable.
dblNo1 = Val (txtOne.text)
Repeat for second number.
Use a Format function to ensure answer is rounded off to two decimal places.
lblAnswer.Caption = Format (dblAnswer, “#,##0.00”)
If you are very clever, this might be an option for the user.
Ensure that it is not possible to divide by zero, either by entering nothing or by entering
zero. Use the MsgBox() function to indicate the problem to the user.
If Val (txtTwo.Text) = 0 Then
IntError = MsgBox (“You cannot divide by 0!”, VbOkCancel, “Whoops!)
Else …
End If
Add a clear command button with the following code to allow the user to do another
txtOne.Text = “”
txtTwo.Text = “”
lblAnswer.Caption = “”
The SetFocus method returns the cursor to the first input box.
Set properties to pretty it up.
Check that it works. Use integers, very big numbers, very small numbers, negative
numbers, zeros, etc. Is your label big enough for all values? If you set the label’s
autosize property to true it will stretch to fit.
Add a remark (put ‘ at the beginning of the line) at the top of your code which includes
your name and the date.
Connect to a Binary Selection menu heading on the main form.
Sequence algorithms
The programs in Activities 1 — 3 were all constructed from sequence algorithm
constructs. Each line of code followed another with only one possible pathway for each
event. So, for each sub procedure, the algorithm would consist of input, output and a
series of process steps, e.g.
Private Sub cmdClear_Click() `user input
txtOne.Text = “”
txtTwo.Text = “”
lblAnswer.Caption = “”
`sequence of processes initializing variables
End Sub `output
Binary selection
The next group of programs you will write uses the second algorithm construct —
selection. Selection allows multiple pathways for any event and allows for choices to be
made. Selection constructs can be Binary (two way) or Multiway (multiple choices)
Binary selection uses the If – End If or the If – Else – End If statements. Here
is the syntax in Visual Basic.
If comparison test Then
One or more Visual Basic statements
End If
If comparison test Then
One or more Visual Basic statements
One or more Visual Basic Statements
End If
(You have used binary selection in your calculator to prevent a user dividing by zero.)
Activity 5
· Add a new menu heading Selections with two subheadings, Binary Selection and
Multiway Selection.
· Write a program to convert inches to centimetres OR centimetres to inches (using the
conversion 1 inch = 2.54 centimetres).
· Use option buttons (from the toolbox) for the user to indicate whether the conversion
is inches to centimetres or centimetres to inches.
· Use IF statements to determine which formula to use based on which option button is
selected. Option buttons are mutually exclusive, i.e. only one can be selected at a
· Connect to menu heading Binary Selection.
· Run the application to ensure that it is working correctly.
· Use your calculator to verify the results. Try it out with some test data including
very large numbers, very small numbers, zero, negative numbers, 0.000000987654.
Multiway selection
In Activity 5 we looked at an example of binary selection. If the selection involves more
than two alternatives, you can use nested If statements but this becomes complicated
and leads to hard-to-read code. It is better to use Case statements. Here is the syntax
for multiple selection through Case statements.
Select Case Expression
Case value
[One or more VB statements]
Case value
[One or more VB statements]
Case value
[One or more VB statements]
Case Else
[One or more VB statements]
End Select
For example:
Select Case intAge
Is your measurement in Inches or Centimetres
Enter the measurement
The measurement in centimetres is 2.54 cms.
1 Convert it!
Case Is < 6
lblTitle.Caption = “Preschool”
Case 6 To 11
lblTitle.Caption = “Primary School”
Case 12 To 18
lblTitle.Caption = “Secondary School”
Case Else
lblTitle.Caption = “Adult”
End Select
Activity 6
1. The post office has the following charges for parcels based upon different weights.
Weight (gram) Cost
0 – 50 $1.40
51 – 100 $2.70
101 – 250 $4.00
251 – 500 $7.50
Parcels which are heavier than 500 gms are calculated by weight*0.02
Design a project that allows a user to enter the weight in a text box and calculate the
postage. Use Case statements in your code. Link this as CaseWeights under the
Multiway menu heading in your main form.
2. Use a set of check boxes to allow a user to choose the noise level by the comments,
then output the probable decibel level based on information in the following table.
Decibel level Comfort level
140+ Extremely painful
90 – 139 Deafening
60 – 89 Disturbing
30 – 59 Distracting
0 – 29 Relaxing
Again use Case statements and link this to the main form menu under the name
NoiseLevels again connected to the Multiway menu heading.
Activity 7
A control array is a set of multiple controls of the same type with the same name (often
created by using the Copy and Paste command). You may have encountered this already
in adding radio buttons or check boxes to your form. Individual controls within the array
are distinguished by having different Index property values. So, if you created a control
array of option buttons called optChoice, the Click event procedure might look like this:
Private Sub optChoice_Click (Index As Integer)
Select Case optChoice (Index)
Case Index = 0 Label1.Caption = "Monday"
Case Index = 1 Label1.Caption = "Tuesday"
Case Index = 2 Label1.Caption = "Wednesday"
Case Index = 3 Label1.Caption = "Thursday"
Case Index = 4 Label1.Caption = "Friday"
Case Index = 5 Label1.Caption = "Saturday"
Case Else Label1.Caption = "Sunday"
End Select
End Sub
The code above would change the label caption as each different option button was
selected. Try this out, then add code to change the label background colour (to
something appropriate) for each different day. Link to the menu Multiway Selection
heading in the main form menu under the heading Colour My Days.
Before we continue with the last structures — iterations — check that the menu
headings on Main are all correct and linked (by code) to the correct forms. Check the list
below and change any that need to be changed.
Introduction (Sequences)
Example 1 (– Welcome to VB)
Example 2 (– Colour changer)
from Activity 1
from Activity 2
Message and Input boxes
Sequence (– Computer Conversation) from Activity 3
Binary (- The calculator)
Binary (- Measurement Converter)
Multiway (- Parcel weights)
Multiway (- Noise levels)
Multiway (-Colour my days)
from Activity 4
from Activity 5
from Activity 6
from Activity 6
from Activity 7
Iterations or loops are structures that allow a statement or group of statements to be
carried out repeatedly while some condition remains true (or for a counted number of
times). Each iteration MUST contain a way of stopping the looping. There are 2
basic iteration structures:
· Pre-test iterations: in these loops, the condition to be met occurs at the beginning
of the loop and the code will not run at all if the condition
is never met.
· Post-test iterations: in these loops, the condition to be met is at the end of the loop
so that the code always runs at least once.
Activity 8
Create a new form and link to iteration — pre-test (- Count the beeps) on the Main menu.
Add a text box and a command button. Put a label above the text box asking the user to
input a number between 1 and 10. When the user clicks the command button, check the
textbox for a valid number and issue an error message if the number isn’t inside the
expected range. If the number is valid, use Do While …… Loop to issue that
number of beeps. Name your form frmBeeper.
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim intNumber As Integer
Dim pause As Integer
intNumber = Val(Text1.Text)
If (intNumber > 0) And (intNumber < 11) Then
‘Declare variables
‘Input user number
‘Validate number
Do While intNumber > 0
For pause = 0 To 2500
Next pause
‘Slow down the beeps
intNumber = intNumber - 1 ‘Count down
Text1.Text = ""
End If
End Sub
Write an IPO Chart for this program.
Then write the pseudocode algorithm for this program.
Activity 9
In this tutorial, we look at writing code containing the 5 basic control structures.
· sequence
· binary selection
· multiway selection
· pre-test iteration
· post-test iteration
The IPO chart and pseudocode algorithm for finding the average of some numbers
entered from the keyboard, using a post-test loop, might look like this:
I number, counter
P add number to sum
add 1 to counter
average = sum/counter
O average
BEGIN Main Program
counter = 0
sum = 0
get number
sum = sum + number
counter = counter + 1
UNTIL counter = 10
average = sum / counter
display average
Write this algorithm as a flowchart.
Open a new form and create a link to the program from the menu form (Main) under
Iterations … Post-test Loops … Averages. Write an application to display the average of
10 numbers entered by the user using a post-test loop with the syntax Do …..Loop
Until to ask for each number. Remember to use the Val () function to convert strings
to numbers. Each number might be asked for with an input box using the syntax:
strNumber = InputBox(“Enter the next number.”, “Enter your numbers.”)
intNumber = Val(strNumber)
Don’t forget to declare all your variables with Dim statements.
e.g. Dim strNumber As String
Initialise your variables to 0 at the beginning of the procedure.
intNumber = 0
intCounter = 0
Can you be sure that the counter will never cause division by zero and crash your
program? Explain your answer.
Activity 10
Use a new function Rnd() to generate a random number. Write an application on a
new form to generate a random number between 1 and 6 to simulate the rolling of a
dice. Your form will need a large picture box with the Autosize property set to true and a
command button with the following code behind it.
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim x As Integer
x = 0
Picture1 Print
‘ Ensures the start of each sequence of random numbers is also randomised
x = Int(Rnd * 6 + 1)
Picture1 Print x;
Loop Until x <> 6
End Sub
Run your program clicking the command button several times (until the picture box is
full). Create a link to the program from the menu form (Main) under Iterations … Post
test Loops … Roll the dice.
To produce a random integer x where 0 <= x < N, use the following syntax
x = Int(Rnd * N)
The following statement produces random integers in the range from 51 to 150.
x = Int (Rnd*100 + 51)
The Randomize statement ensures that the start of each sequence of random numbers is
also random.
You will notice that Visual Basic has two different syntax statements for post-test
· Do ……. Loop Until (comparison test)
· Do ……. Loop While (comparison test)
Both are post-test loops where the comparison test appears at the bottom of the loop
meaning that the code in the loop must execute at least once. These are both equivalent
to the pseudocode syntax
Write the algorithm for this application in pseudocode that explains what every line in the
program does.
Activity 11
Create a program to generate the first 20 Fibonacci numbers. This time use a counter to
control the number of iterations. Add a Picture Box to print your results to. Make sure
the PictureBox.Font Transparent = False, AutoRedraw = True and that the BackColor is
different from the ForeColor. Use the following code to help you.
Dim FibNumber As Integer, FibNext As Integer, Counter As Integer
FibNumber = 0
FibNext = 1
Picture1 Print "Ist 20 Fibonacci Numbers"
Do While Counter < 20
Picture1 Print FibNumber & ", ";
‘trailing semicolon stops the Print method going to the next line.
Picture1 Print FibNext & ", "
FibNumber = FibNumber + FibNext
FibNext = FibNext + FibNumber
Counter = Counter + 2
If Counter = 10 Then
Picture1 Print
‘This creates a new line
End If
Write an IPO chart and the algorithm in pseudocode and as a flowchart.
Activity 12
Write a program that uses nested For loops to fill a 2 dimensional array and then to print
out the times tables from 1 – 12 into a picture control using the syntax:
picDisplay Print (variable, [variable] ...]
with a new line for each new times table on the display.
You will definitely need to plot this one out on paper first, writing your algorithms and
checking them. To declare your variable, you need the statement:
Dim arrTables[12,12] As Integer
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